More than 10 years ago, when submitting my very first novel (for Publishing, not written), there was a slight mix-up with the title; something that I attempted to correct, but found to be too late to change. And so, I went along with the incorporated title that Amazon put to it: The Brotherhood Of The Realms.
Being an unknown Writer at the time to the outer reaches of my home city of Leeds, the book faired a dozen or so sales, but there were more later as my submission of more Novels, besides the Novelas, that I churned out with pride at 15 over a thirst-filled 5-6 week writing frenzy. To date, I have written more than 48 books, which include Novelas, Novels, Scripts and even Game Guide Walkthroughs. I have no singular genre of interest. I write children, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Erotica and How To Guides of various styles.
The New Brotherhood Novel – A Re-Write – Introduction
There are many tales that can describe a desperate man, but only one that can tell of his pain, and of how he came to be a big part of the equation that began the story of old. For those who look inside themselves, many will find the start of a truth, but to continue on this path, he – or she – comes aware of some intuitive warning, let’s say it is Deja Vu, though, to the mind’s psyche, it is much deeper than that. It is the very core of the mortal soul alerting the life force within that it is the path that should never be travelled.
And so, if you – like I chose to – dare to run the risk of entering this world, then proceed – But be warned, entering this world will lead you to places and introduce you to people that deep down inside your fragile mind you will find familiar; places and people you have never met, maybe not yet, but at some time, some point or other you have.
For example, the man who delivered your milk this morning, or the postman who brought your mail, both have a look or likeness of some person from your past, but for the life of you, you just can’t put your finger on that moment of introduction, of becoming aware of their existence. All that you know is that this place you now stand, sit, lay or lean, is a place that has structure and an ever-increasing hold of purpose. What is the purpose, if not the direct command for a person to act with a series of actions in which to carry out a motion: To move a limb, to catch an object, to stand, to go prone, to fight?
Let’s face one fact here. The path less followed only extends that of inevitability. By this measure, would it be by choice or favour for that person aware to take it? Or by some sense of duty and loyalty choose to take the long road round?
When a man looks in the mirror they will always see a reflection, it is an inevitability, a fixed occurring action that never ceases to amaze even the most experienced eyes. However, it is not the reaction of an object standing before a reflective barrier that holds the reason in the action, but of what they see within that reflection. Mortals have for a very long time now understood only that by facing a reflective surface, they see themselves as they are in that very moment. So few understand the furtherment of using such a powerful – dangerous – object as a mirror.
For this path that turns away many, and yet intrigues the few to keep following, the mirror is not the only object which can bring personal enlightenment, as you will find from this tale of old. There are simplistic hidden powers and offerings in hundreds, thousands of objects. Structure, both large and small, as well as those loyal and obedient objects you call animals. Let me tell you – warn you – that on this hidden mysterious path that you now walk, these caninals are far from obedient, cute though they may be, each in their own purpose is as dangerous as the next Creatic or Beastic you happen upon.
So, be on your way weary traveller, curious adventurer, or whatever the title you give yourself to lessen the complication of explaining your true reasons for entering this world. All you have to remember is that once you step through the door, there will be no returning to your previous state of mind or your placement in that old life. All will be of the past, as the past takes you into the future if only a moment passes, that which once was never shall be again. Welcome… To The Island.
*For those who have already had the advantage of purchasing or reading the other version, please note that this novel will vary in the storyline, though it will read a lot better and become just as collectable as the prevo, if not expanding on the real story that is behind the Bigger Picture that I created more twenty years before the release of “The Brotherhood Of The Realms”. ETA on the release of this novel is set for 15th November 2023 and will go out in the order of Hardback, Paperback and finally, it will be released on Kindle after the 3rd Month.
2023 Marcus De Storm. All rights reserved.